31 Days of Devotion, Day 3

What are some symbols and icons of this deity?

He is the moon rising in its fullness, Endymion
sleeping in the cave while Selene contemplates him,
and he is the dark moon hiding, concealed in
intimacy with the Sun.

He is the red lotus rising out of blood and mud,
death and failure, unexpected fertility and vitality
concealed in the muck of life. He is the spider
weaving connections between star and star,
god and mortal, heaven and earth.

He is the spear carrier who defeats the boar
and the lion and charges into the dark, and
the clear-sighted helmsman who guides a boat
through infinity, and the lover who is always ready
to share a beer, a glass of wine, a long conversation
in a quiet corner, a dance amid flashing lights and glitter.

He is the face of beauty itself, the embodiment of youth,
the curling hair, the serious gaze, the lush mouth,
the broad shoulders, the round buttock, the confidence
of embodiment, the crowned and conquering child:

He is Antinous.

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