An Ancestor Ritual at PantheaCon 2017

The Naos Antinoou will be hosting a ritual at PantheaCon this weekend at San Jose, and we encourage you all come stop by! We will be offering a ritual to celebrate our various ancestors. Some ancestors are connected to us by blood. Some through various spiritual traditions. Some are linked by “tribes” we feel a kinship with. The traditional Roman festival of Parentalia was a 9 day festival held each February to honor family ancestors. Naos Antinoou invites you to honor all these different types of ancestors with us in a modern Antinoan celebration of the ancient Roman Parentalia festival where we will invite attendees to participate in a devotional ritual that honors Antinous and the diversity and variety of our ancestors of all kinds.

Attendees are welcome and encouraged to bring images and mementos of their Beloved and Mighty Dead, as well whatever offerings they deem appropriate. Offerings of art, song, poetry, and story are particularly welcome – these are our queer ancestors, after all, and they deserve to be celebrated in style and beauty. Doors will close at start of ritual.

Date: Saturday, February 18th
Time: 11:00 p.m.
Location: San Juan/San Carlos room at PantheaCon
